laboratory equipment
Individual entrepreneur, ShvaikoLAB (Tax Registration number (ИНН): 780213833857) offer:
- 1 Weighing equipment
- 2 Cabinet dryers, isocoolers
- 3 Spectrographic equipment
- 4 Chromatographs
- 5 Hydrogen generators and redistillers for chromatographic research
- 6 Microscopes of various models: MBS-10, Micmed, Micromed
- 7 Ion meters, pH-meters, electrodes and other products of “ZYP” Gomel factory.
- 8 Repair of instruments of any complexity
Equipment for medical and educational laboratories and state organizations.
All our products are delivered including documentation in Russian language.
Our experience with laboratory equipment in Russia and CIS countries since 1998. We enjoy an excellent reputation, because among our regular clients are leading companies that trust us to service, repair and equipping their laboratories. If you are a representative of the manufacturer of laboratory equipment — we ask you to send us an offer.
With best wishes and hope for future cooperation.
190103, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Rizhsky st., 28/1, 42
Ph.: +7 (812) 904-17-79
Fax: +7 (812) 590-22-55
Skype: yuri_shvaiko
Telegram: https://t.me/shvaikoru
Twitt: shvaiko
Insta: shvaikolab
FB: ShvaikoLAB
Useful links.
Our tax-number — 780213833857 You should paste in «Индивидуальный предприниматель/КФХ»-tab and ‘ОГРНИП/ИНН’-field.
See pictures below.
1-step: paste tax-number

2-step: check results

3-step: upload PDF-file with register company info.

190103,Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Rizhsky st., 28/1, 42
Ph.: +7 (812) 904-17-79
Fax: +7 (812) 590-22-55
Skype: yuri_shvaiko
Twitter: @shvaiko
Instagram: shvaikolab
Facebook: ShvaikoLAB

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